Game reviews
Smackdown 4 Shut Your Mouth
Smackdown 4 shut your mouth revolutionised wrestling video games. With its easy controls and great roster it is a definite
must buy.
The roster is long and full of top names like Brock Lesnar, The Rock, Triple H, HBK, Hulk Hogan, and Stone Cold the list
goes on and on. The matches are more interactive than any other with extremely interactive backstage areas and a great hell
in a cell. The weapons are great allowing the player to perform stunning moves with tables, chairs, fire extinguishers, hammers
and more. Theres only one problem I have with the weapons and its the tables. The booklets dont explain how to use them properly.
You cannot perform a 3D or a top rope power bomb through a table which I would of having fun with. Also it would of being
a good idea to put more double team moves in like the con-chairto and more. But theres always smackdown 5.
The create-a-wrestler is better than before allowing the player to develop any superstar of there desire. Create a wrestler
also allows the player to create a very detailed move list for there creation. The only problems with the move lists are that
when you want a certain finisher you might not be able to find it for example I cant find a proper Sleeper for my Roddy Piper
or Brutus Beecake. Other than that create a wrestler is great.
There are very few problems that I have with this game. But theres some minor problems with the roster for example how
did Scotty 2 hotty get in the game and deacon bautista didnt and I seen no Jamie noble or Tommy dreamer. But all games have
their problems so I recommend that you go out and buy this game immediately.
Overall rating 9/10 Meogie03
If you want a created a wrestler (CAW) for this game contacts me at