Height: 6 foot 2
Weight: 235 pounds
From: Glasgow, Scotland
Finishing Move: Sleeper hold
Career Highlights: Intercontinental Champion
By the time Piper returned to WWE in April 2003, he had done it all. His book, "In the Pit with Piper," released in 2002,
was among the all-time best sellers for a wrestling autobiography. He has starred in over 20 movies, including, 1988s "They
Live," directed by John Carpenter ("Halloween"). He has made guest appearances on a dozen TV shows, including "Walker, Texas
Ranger" and "Robocop." Piper also took part in the longest ever fist fight in a movie.
Injuries wise Hotrod has been through it all. Before Piper came to the WWE in the 80s the Golden Glove boxer had already
broke his hand in a real street fight & was also deaf in one ear after his infamous Dog-Collar match with Greg The Hammer.
"Hot Rod" had hip-replacement surgery in 1995, but even that didnt end his career, as he rekindled his feud with Hulk Hogan
in WCW in 1996. He defeated the Hulkster in a non-title match at Starrcade that year.
Today, Piper's closing in on 35 years experience in the sports-entertainment industry. He's gained a few pounds and a few
years from the last time WWE fans saw him. Injuries are always a factor. If he were any other Superstar, we'd know for sure
that he'd never set foot in a wrestling ring again. But as history indicates, anything is possible with "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.