Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 240 pounds
From: Orangeburg, S.C.
Career Highlights: WWE Tag Team Champion
Shelton Benajamin an All-American in track and a four-time All-American in wrestling. Once wrestling alongside Brock Lesnar
in OVW as a member of the Minnesota Strechin Crew. Shelton departed Brock in 2002 as Brock left OVW to start a career in the
WWE. Shortly later Shelton joined the WWE as part of Kurt Angles Team Angle alongside Charlie Hass. Although Benjamin may
not have an Olympic gold medal like Angle, he was one of South Carolina's finest high school athletes. He starred in wrestling
(heavyweight state champion his junior and senior years), track (state 100 meter champion) and football (two-time All-State
selection). He then went on to Lassen Community College in Susanville, California where he again starred in wrestling (1996
NJCAA Champion) and track (100 meter junior college champion), before he transferred to Minnesota. After graduating, he spent
two seasons at Minnesota as an assistant coach for the wrestling team, where he trained Lesnar, among others.
Benjamin could have continued his amateur wrestling career - perhaps trying for the Olympic team. But, as a lifelong WWE
fan, he jumped at the opportunity to become a Superstar. So today, instead of training to become an Olympic gold medallist,
he's protecting one.