Height: 6 foot 10
Weight: 328 pounds
From: Houston
move: Last Ride Powerbomb
Career Highlights: WWE Champion, WWE Tag Team Champion, WCW Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion
When the Undertaker first entered the WWE at Survivor Series 1990 he immediately showed his toughness by taking out Dusty
Rhodes Dream Team one by one. He's feuded with all the greats from Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior to Stone Cold Steve
Austin and The Rock and lived to tell about it. No other superstar has ever had the run of success enjoyed by the American
Badass.A four-time WWE Champion, Taker has had the privilege of performing in the main events all over the U.S., North America
and the world. In fact, Taker's WrestleMania record is second to none he is an amazing 11-0 at Mania events! The Undertaker
has also been at the forefront of some of the most original matches and concepts in WWE history. He is the innovator of Inferno
Matches, Casket Matches, and, of course, the famed Hell in the Cell Match.